Many people believe that estate planning is just for the retired and the rich. This simply is not so. Estate planning is for everyone. It does not matter how young or old you are, or how much money you have— it is critical that you have a Lifetime Estate Plan.


Because you do not want to end up stuck on feeding tubes for TWELVE YEARS like Terri Schiavo was. Moreover, you want to be the one who decides where your money goes when you die—not the probate judge. When someone says the word “estate planning,” the next thought that follows is death and planning for asset distribution. That is not all that estate planning is really about. Estate planning also encompasses preparing for your life now and the importance of naming agents to handle your healthcare decisions in the off-chance that you are not able to. For instance, if you happen to become incapacitated, who will make your medical decisions for you? Who will manage your assets in the interim? What if that person is not available, who is your back-up person?

These are some of the very critical questions that we review with you at Esser, Bradley and Khalsa to help design your Lifetime Estate Plan. Moreover, here at Esser, Bradley and Khalsa designing a Lifetime Estate Plan is just one very critical component of our Legacy Estate Plans.

Young or old, now is the best time to start planning for your estate’s distribution. If Probably most important of all, no matter how young or old you are, or what property you have, you want to decide now, while you can, what level of medical intervention you want at the end or your life or if you should become unexpectedly incapacitated. Don’t think becoming unexpectedly incapacitated can happen to you? Think again. Just think about some of life’s unexpected occurrences: strokes, car accidents, boating accidents, injuries while skiing, heart attacks, work injuries, or random shootings and acts of terrorism —perhaps at a country music concert or in a subway in New York City….

Fun things to think about?

No. But it is important that everyone plan for these things. Now. Before it’s too late.

Lifetime Estate Planning.

Everyone has an estate—things they own, like a car a home, bank accounts, jewelry, furniture, life insurance, dressage horses, real property, and other things. When you die, you will want to make sure certain people (your spouse, your children) or pets are taken care of. You will want to direct who gets what, when. And, of course, you will want it all to cost as little as possible in taxes, attorney’s fees and court fees.

You probably already know whether you want to be buried or cremated, and whether or not you want to be kept alive by artificial means if you should ever end up in a coma or incapacitated and unable to express your wishes. You probably know what you want, but you also probably do not have a Legacy Estate Plan that will make sure your wishes are carried out.

That what Lifetime Estate Planning and creating a Legacy Estate Plan is all about. It’s all about helping you to develop a plan that will carry out your wishes for what happens to you and your property if you should become incapacitated, and when you die.. It includes the preparation and execution of a Health Care Directive and certain Powers of Attorney that allow you to nominate someone to make financial and medical decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated. Lifetime Estate Planning changes as needed, and helps your estate —– large or small—pass on to those you want it to go to, with as little cost in time and money to them as possible.

We Are Estate Planning Attorneys.

We personally prepare all of the documents needed to support each step in the process. And when the time comes, we are here for your family. When you work with the estate planning attorneys at Esser, Bradley and Khalsa, you get more than just an estate plan: you get peace of mind. If you need help planning for your future and that of your loved ones, contact us.