The New Year is the perfect time to resolve to change your life for the better. That is why most of us make New Year’s resolutions to get to the gym and get in shape. But as we all know, buying the new outfit is the best part of that resolution. Our resolve to get in shape rarely lasts long. A few weeks of jumping around in tight spandex pants and living on lettuce and air sandwiches and most of us throw in the towel. That is why this year, we have got a New Year’s resolution for you that we Trust you Will keep. This is one New Year’s resolution that will last you a lifetime—and beyond.


Make An Estate Plan

Our resolution for you this year: make a Legacy Estate Plan.

In a Legacy Estate Plan developed by Esser, Bradley and Khalsa, you direct who gets what from your estate. As you know, everyone has an estate—things they own, like a car a home, bank accounts, jewelry, furniture, life insurance, etc. It is important that you make sure that when you die, those you love (e.g. your spouse, your children, etc.) get the money and property  you want them to have so that they are taken care of. A Legacy Estate Plan is the way to do that. And, if needed, a Legacy Estate Plan can include your more immediate goals — like providing for the current and future needs of any disabled family members you may be taking care of now. Your Legacy Estate Plan can include a Special Needs Trust designed specifically for that person. That is why, if you do not already have an estate plan, 2018 is the perfect year to get one in place.

A critical component of a Legacy Estate Plan is a Lifetime Estate Plan. A Lifetime Estate Plan anticipates your healthcare desires and potential end-of-life needs. It includes the preparation and execution of a certain Powers of Attorney and directives that allow you to nominate someone to make financial and medical decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated. Moreover, those documents allow you to specify how you wish to be taken care of on the off-chance that you become incapacitated.

Thinking about, planning for, and putting into place a Legacy Estate Plan that will provide for your loved ones and make sure your wishes are carried out when you die is every bit as important—if not more important — than getting into shape, trying to earn more money this year, making time for meditation, or any of the other hundreds of New Year’s resolutions we all make. So this year, make the one New Year’s Resolution that is easily doable and will benefit you and your loved ones now and in the years to come: make a Legacy Estate Plan.

We Make Taking Care of Your Estate and Your Family Easy

We are experienced trusts and estates attorneys. We offer free consultations, we serve all of Arizona, and we can help you provide and plan for your loved ones. Call us at 928-282-1483 or contact us here.